There are mantras that we can tell our children as we prepare for them to move on to the real world.
“You were made for greatness,” “Believe in possibilities,” “Step out of your comfort zone,” and “Don’t settle for mediocrity!”
And then we tell them to think big, dream big, go big. It’s the small thinking that won’t get them very far.
Let me clarify sometimes “small” is good. Such as:
- Taking small steps to get to your big goals is wise.
- Small problems are better than big ones.
- Sometimes the small box under the Christmas tree is better than the big one.
- You can have a small chuckle or a big cry.
But when it comes to believing in yourself and what the future holds, bigger is always better.
Fear of failure or inadequacy are often the culprits that keep people from making big goals. We have to remember that what looks impossible now is often possible later. We need to override and fight our way past these feelings of resistance!
So I really believe thinking big matters:
First, your confidence and belief grows
- Belief is being “sure of something.” As you think big, you begin to believe
- You begin to believe in things that are not yet true.
- You believe in things despite the current evidence.
- You believe in the possibility!
Second, we challenge our brain by recreating our identity
Our identity is created around the things we’ve already achieved and where we’re currently operating from – in other words, our “comfort zone.”
When we create a new identity, one that is uncertain, our brain gets nervous. One of our brain’s jobs is to keep us comfortable, not to ask more of ourselves, and to stay happy by never challenging us. Simply put, our brain wants us to “hunker down” and stay comfortable.
When we think big we begin to demand more of ourselves!
Third, dreaming big helps us to enjoy the here and now
Hurrying, running helter-skelter, and chasing quick wins can be exhausting and can be the “kiss of death” to enjoying the present!
When you think big, you can enjoy the “now” while keeping your eye on the future.
And lastly, it promotes creative thinking.
Short-term dreams (which aren’t necessarily bad!) require:
• Tactics
• Strategies
• How-tos
• Copying what others have done.
Big dreams require:
• Creative thinking
• Stretching of your mind
If you think big, your world will be big.” ~ Paulo Coelho
Have you given up on your dreams and waved the white flag? Have you settled for thinking small instead of thinking big?
The sky is the limit so think big!
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